There are several tax implications that you need to be aware of when shutting down a C corporation. Complete liquidation of a C corporation is when it ceases to be a going concern, winds up its affairs, pays its debts, and distributes its remaining assets to the...
If you have an office in your home that qualifies for the home-office deduction and you employ a cleaning lady who maintains both your home and your home office, there are a couple of tax considerations to keep in mind. The amount you pay your cleaning lady for her...
The kiddie tax was enacted by Congress to prevent parents from passing investment income to their children, who typically have a lower tax rate. Under the kiddie tax rules, a portion of a child’s net unearned income may be taxed at the parent’s marginal federal income...
If you own your own business and operate as a proprietorship or partnership (wherein your spouse is not a partner), one of the smartest tax moves you can make is hiring your spouse to work as your employee. But the tax savings may be a mirage if you don’t pay your...
The IRS is on a tear against improper employee retention credit (ERC) claims. Here are four recent actions taken by the IRS: Unfair Stop to Processing New ERC Claims On September 15, 2023, the IRS announced a temporary halt on processing new ERC claims until after the...
For 2024, you can elect the de minimis safe harbor to expense assets costing $2,500 or less ($5,000 with audited financial statements or similar). The term “safe harbor” means that the IRS will accept your expensing of the qualified assets if you properly abided by...