I am pleased to announce that Tanna Kimbro, CPA is our new Senior Accountant! Tanna has been working behind the scenes with us since August 2022, but I wanted to formally introduce her. She and I worked together over 20 years ago in the corporate world. She was the...
Being able to reasonably forecast upcoming problems has become an essential skill for Longview business owners — but too many are flying blind, or doing “bank balance accounting”. Can we help you fix this? Using KPI's For Your Longview Business...
One of my favorite things about what we get to do around here is helping our clients find “missing money” in their businesses. Whether it's through cost reductions, profit analysis, tax planning (LOTS of money can be saved there), or other means, what we...
How do you make financial decisions for your Longview business? Do you set aside time to review your actual financial reports, or are you committing “bank balance bookkeeping”? You know what I mean: checking your business bank account daily as a...
If you're struggling in your Longview business, and not getting the traction you need, I have a quick thought for you today. Struggling Longview Businesses Should Be Careful With Price Reductions “Despite your best efforts, not everyone wants to be helped. Make a...
During the first Super Bowl that Tom Brady won (with the Patriots), these were some of the companies who advertised (hat tip to Jon Erlichman of Bloomberg): AOL Blockbuster Radio Shack Circuit City CompUSA Sears HotJobs Yahoo VoiceStream Wireless Gateway Computers The...